Nuevo libro: «The China-Latin America Axis Emerging Markets and their Role in an Increasingly Globalised World» por Gaston Fornes y Álvaro Mendez

El IELAT les presenta el nuevo libro de Gaston Fornes y Álvaro Mendez «The China-Latin America Axis: Emerging Markets and their Role in an Increasingly Globalised World», publicado por la editorial Palgrave Macmillan.

Sinopsis del libro: 

This second edition explores and accounts for the many changes in the emerging markets of China and the Latin American countries since 2011. Taking account of major developments such as the rapid expansion of the Chinese state and the on-going effects of the global recession, the authors present current case studies and data on both Chinese and Latin American companies, including updates on those included in the first edition and the presentation of new innovative start-ups. Including an international relations perspective alongside business strategy and global markets, The China-Latin America Axis second edition presents the drastic changes in the globalized economy in the past five years.

Para más detalles sobre el mismo pinche el siguiente enlace




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